Club Responsibilities

Clubs are ultimately responsible for making certain that each club participant of their respective club meets the minimum eligibility requirements. In addition, the entire club is responsible for making certain that the following responsibilities as well as the policies and procedures of this manual are met and/or followed by the club as a whole and each club participant. Recreation reserves the right to add responsibilities during the course of the academic year.

  1. In all activities, clubs assume full responsibility for abiding by local, state, and federal laws, and University regulations. In addition to any sanctions levied by others, failure to comply with any of these laws, regulations, or guidelines may result in loss of affiliation with Recreation, loss and/or suspension of club privileges, verbal and/or written warning, and/or negative scores in the club allocation process (depending on the severity of the violation).
  2. Clubs are responsible for reporting all competitive and non-competitive upcoming events and results.
  3. Clubs are responsible for reserving the practice and game fields necessary for practice and competition by the beginning of September of each school year.
  4. Clubs are responsible for providing one member that is certified in CPR/First Aid/AED.
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